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Data Informed Practices

We help you gather and interpret data from your key stakeholders - students, families, community members, clients, employees, etc. - to inform your organization's needs and goals.


We challenge traditional data practices that perpetuate a deficit mindset and instead shift to data practices that uplift strengths, center stories, and highlight a collective path to change.


Our Why: Using data to inform decisions, identify needs and goals, and celebrate successes is essential to every organization. We believe many schools and organizations focus solely on quantitative data - test scores, sales numbers, graduation rates - and that introducing qualitative data in the form of stories and experiences from key stakeholders is a critical element of disrupting and reimagining systems. 

Sample Services 

Collecting micro-level, qualitative data from key stakeholders to inform your work

Current Data Practices Audit, Analysis, & Feedback

Designing and implementing new processes and tools for data collection

Our How


leading and supporting whole group or team learning, dialogue, and implementation


leading and supporting small group or 1:1 learning, dialogue, and implementation


building customized resources for your organizational needs


partnering with you to design a clear road map for your organizational goals 

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